What is “Chi”?
Ancient Chinese cultures believe that “chi” is an active fundamental part of every living thing. It is equated to the “life-process” or “flow” of energy that sustains life. Continue reading
What is “Chi”?
Ancient Chinese cultures believe that “chi” is an active fundamental part of every living thing. It is equated to the “life-process” or “flow” of energy that sustains life. Continue reading
If someone had told me 3 years ago that I would be writing a testimonial about a machine that helps me to function (my motor skills) better every day, I would have told them they were nuts. Walking, sitting, lying down, going up and down stairs…every movement has been a challenge for me for the last ten years. Let me start at the beginning so you will understand where I am coming from. Continue reading
Toxins exist in for parts, in your cells, in your skin, in your intestines and in your liver.
There are three ways toxins affect cell processes. Membrane damaging toxins such as the Clostridium perfringens toxins produce destructive holes in the cell membrane. Continue reading
Poluted Planet Earth:
We live in a world absorbed in toxins and pollution.
The 21st Century brings